Born in Milan, Emilio Giossi studied art, design and photography at the State Institute of Art in Monza, thus acquiring the degree of Master of Art and artistic maturity. Then he enrolled at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy in Bologna, DAMS graduation course, entertainment address. Consequently, he taught art and puppet theatre in public high schools. In 1985, he left teaching for painting exclusively and painted “Il corpo scritto” (The Written Body), in 1987 “Paesaggi di cielo” (Skyscapes). In the '90s, the shape comes out more and more from the movement and “sensitive and moral action” of colour. And there were works like “Triptikon”, “Preghiere” (Prayers), “Paesaggi Elementari” (Elementary Landscapes), “Monocromi”, ”Atmosfere”. In 1993, he adhered to the invitation of Ruediger Heins to the project “Obdachlos” (Homeless). In 1994-95, together with Ruediger Heins, he participated in “Licht Projekt” (Light project). He exhibited in many European cities and collaborated with writers, musicians and artists of various disciplines. In 2011-12-13, he produced and presented, together with Luise Hepp, exhibition projects such as “Gesto dell'anima” (Gestures of the soul), “Il Giorno e la Notte” (Day and Night) and “Imagination”. Currently he works on the projects “Chimera- Il colore nella tenebra” (Chimera - The colour of darkness) and “Pietas and Estasi” (Mercy and Extasy).