Hardly ever an image is created from outside; it is released in the inner and imagines new images.

The circle is closed

and will be without beginning or end.

Luise Hepp and Emilio Giossi met during a project of the literary magazine “Experimenta”, where Luise wrote a text for one of his works.  

Im Zwielicht

der Schatten


in die


zum Kreis

aus der

Mitte heraus


von Licht 


                            Luise Hepp


Nella crepuscolare luce

delle ombre



verso la trasformazione

del cerchio

dal centro

verso l’esterno

raddoppio di luce

Der schweigende Tod                

tanzt mit dem

gesprächigen Leben

was lange verschwiegen

steigt aus der Schale

ins Licht

welche Welt

trennt uns

welche Welt

hält uns


nun öffnet

auch der Mohn

den roten Kelch


                        Luise Hepp


La morte silenziosa

danza con

la vita loquace

quello che a lungo


sorge dalla conchiglia

nella luce

che mondo

ci separa

che mondo

ci tiene insieme

adesso apre

anche il papavero

il rosso calice

Schwebendes Dunkel

lichtblaues Vlies

ein Nachtmeerflüstern

Flugsand und Tau

Kristallluft in Falterblau

was wäre


wenn ich



                   Luise Hepp


Buio aleggiante

il velo azzurro

un bisbigliare del

mare notturno

sabbia volante e rugiada

aria cristallina

in blu farfalla

io non sono

se io non fossi 

Was wäre ich nicht

wenn ich bin und

wenn ich

nicht bin


wäre ich dann

                          Luise Hepp 


Cosa non sarei

se io sono e

se io

non sono


potrei essere




That meeting, with different modes, gave birth to new various texts and paintings. Accordingly, poetic texts were written on the pictorial images by Emilio Giossi and paintings were made on texts by Luise Hepp in the exhibition “Gesto dell'anima” (Gestures of the soul) in Florence, in February/March 2012, and in the exhibition “Il Giorno e la Notte” (Day and Night) in Urbino and in Florence, respectively in July and September in the same year.

Verdopplung Licht 163 x132
Verdopplung Licht 163 x132

Ich lebe 100 x 73
Ich lebe 100 x 73

Blauer Traum 116 x89
Blauer Traum 116 x89

Im Spiegel 100 x 73
Im Spiegel 100 x 73